Friday, December 5, 2014

Intro to poetry

- Teamwork 1. Significance of the title? 
- It means that we need the things we can't see around us to make a better place. 

2. Tone of the poem? 
- The authors tone is contemplative.

3. Mood as you read it? 
- The mood makes you want to think contemplative and pensive.

4. Is there a shift? Where? From what to what? 
- Them-->We  Yes, from the 5th and 6th stanza from talking about everyone to himself. 

5. Theme of poem? 
- Teamwork 

Remix poem

Let us leave this place
 where the smoke blows black
or imagine and look for the true shape of our own self
To the place where the sidewalk ends

We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow
passed at a speed round a shaped wing
and there the moon-bird rest from his flight
To produce the miraculous

The visible,
past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
And the invisible,
where the sun burns crimson light
working together in common cause

We have yet to see 
past the dark street winds
So may we, in this life trust
That there is a place where the sidewalk ends