Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Highlights "catcher in the rye" (discussed with valerie and lexi)

- why does Holden keep visiting old spence if Holden seems to get really annoyed by him.
-why does Holden care about spencers house.
-Holden claims to be a liar but also says he hate phony people.
-a word we dont know :compulsory
- Holden rambles on about a lot of unimportant things ALOT.
-he likes to read
-holden in kinda wierd.
- we learn about his roommate

Monday, January 19, 2015

Big Questions, Next steps

  I am hardly sure where to even begin.
The process of choosing a topic for this assignment has caused me much stress because, I'm interested in very little things. BUT, once I read the question asking me how my topic might help other people. I was able to have a little lightbulb go off in my head.

 So,  personally I enjoy singing!! But not in front of people unless I kind of have too. I would like to over come my fears of stage fright and being nervous in front of a lot of people. IF I'm able to conquer my own fears, I may be able to help other people get over there fears about sharing there own talents.

I really don't know where to start with any of this so its sort of a challenge. I don't have resources or people to discuss this so, the first step may just have to be acquiring individuals to talk to about this!
I think i will start asking around to see if people have any talents that they aren't comfortable sharing with people. Thats probably weird but its a start! 

I shall definitely keep you updated with what happens...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Music as literature

  Can we consider music to be literature? How do we define literature? What is the difference between a novel, a poem, a rap, a song, an opera, and a symphony?

  1. written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
    "a great work of literature"

  Right above, is the google definition of literature. So, what does this have to with music? Let me break it down. 
There is a a ridiculous amount of variety in the music Industry. But, they all have something in common. They are all "wirtten works" because someone took the time to put that piece together. They also have a common goal of wanting to become a " lasting artistic merit." So yes, Music is literature.

Novels , poems raps, songs ,operas and symphonies are all forms of entertainment. They are all trying to speak to people. The difference between these is that they all appeal to different audiences. Im not saying that someone who enjoys going to the opera doesn't enjoy some Lil wayne every now and than , but for the most part , different people enjoy these different things.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Catcher in the Rye first impressions

When i saw the title of the book i thought it was going to be really old and about a farmer or something of that sort. I was thinking that reading this book was going to be painful.
After reading the first chapter i was surprised to learn that the book is more modern than i thought. i had hopes this book would be interesting.