Friday, December 5, 2014

Intro to poetry

- Teamwork 1. Significance of the title? 
- It means that we need the things we can't see around us to make a better place. 

2. Tone of the poem? 
- The authors tone is contemplative.

3. Mood as you read it? 
- The mood makes you want to think contemplative and pensive.

4. Is there a shift? Where? From what to what? 
- Them-->We  Yes, from the 5th and 6th stanza from talking about everyone to himself. 

5. Theme of poem? 
- Teamwork 

Remix poem

Let us leave this place
 where the smoke blows black
or imagine and look for the true shape of our own self
To the place where the sidewalk ends

We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow
passed at a speed round a shaped wing
and there the moon-bird rest from his flight
To produce the miraculous

The visible,
past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
And the invisible,
where the sun burns crimson light
working together in common cause

We have yet to see 
past the dark street winds
So may we, in this life trust
That there is a place where the sidewalk ends

Friday, October 24, 2014

Literature analysis #1 The Beast in the jungle.

1. This book was in the same collection as "The Great Gatsby", so I decided to read it. I expected to be as entertained as I was when reading Gatsby.
2.After the first ten pages I wanted to know what was going to happen to the main character , because the main character was really sure something bad was going to happen to him.
3. During the summer I didn't have my phone so I read about 7 books.  i read so i could forget that im grounded and get into the book. But,  now with school an other things , I only read on weekends when the day is slow or if somebody recommends a book to me.

1. Plot summary: John marcher (protagonist) runs into May Batram after not seeing her for many years. She tells him that she didn't forget the secret he told her. Which is , Johns whole life is destined to be controlled by some great catastrophe or huge event that is waiting for him like a "beast in the jungle" May buys a house in london so that she can spend her days with John and wait to see what the event might be. John decides its best not to marry anyone so that his wife doesn't have to be a victim to the catastrophe. Years go by and John and May get old. Than, May gets sick with a deadly blood disease and john thinks that losing his friend is the bad thing thats going to happen. May tells him that the event  has already happened and John doesnt understand. A year after May dies John understands what May meant. The beast, the great misfortune was that John wasted his life waiting for something to happen. So the beast was himself.
Theme: based on what the character did to himself,  I believe the theme is dont be full of your self or self absorbed because you will miss out on other Things in life.
3. I think the autuors tone reflective and contemplative. "You know you told me something I've never forgotten and that again
and again has made me think of you since; it was that tremendously
hot day when we went to Sorrento, across the bay, for the breeze."
"It isn't a question of what I 'want'--God knows I don't want
anything. It's only a question of the apprehension that haunts me-
-that I live with day by day."
"He had
kept up, he felt, and very decently on the whole, his consciousness
of the importance of not being selfish, and it was true that he had
never sinned in that direction without promptly enough trying to
press the scales the other way. He often repaired his fault, the
season permitting, by inviting his friend to accompany him to the
opera; and it not infrequently thus happened that, to show he
didn't wish her to have but one sort of food for her mind, he was
the cause of her appearing there with him a dozen nights in the

Fahrenheit 451 notes 100-110

  • Mildred yells at her friend for crying
  • Mrs. Bowels says their crazy
  • Montag kicks her out
  • Mildered was dispersing the books
  • montag feels guilty.
  • Beatty tries to confuse montag
  • Beatty drives to montags house. 
  • i think that montag is nervous beacuse beatty most likely knows about the books.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fahrenheit 451

These are things I read that i think will be important for understanding this book.
  • "Discussions about Fahrenheit 451 often center on its story foremost as a warning against state-based censorship."
  • "He did not believe that book burning was an inevitable part of our future, he wanted to warn against its development" "Fahrenheit 451 is set in an unspecified city" The author believes this is a possible thing and that it can happen anywhere
  • " the real messages of Fahrenheit 451 were about the dangers of an illiterate society infatuated with mass media and the threat of minority and special interest groups to books."
  • " the government is able to use mass media to influence society and suppress individualism"
  • "...the American population is to blame. Due to their constant desire for a simplistic, positive image, books must be suppressed."

Thursday, September 11, 2014

MY big question. who do I want to be tomorrow. .. and everyday as well!

So, after reviewing the blog today,  making sure I have everything for the test tomorrow,  I saw a new post. "Who do you want to be tomorrow? " I pondered over this question for a little bit and than of course I thought "well duh,  I want to be "THAT guy" (the first one)" I want to succeed and have reason for being over confident about tomorrow! But, why JUST tomorrow? Why not every other day as well? I think ill take a new approach to this class. I don't want to just hope and try for an A. I have to know i'm completely capable of it as well. I'm probably more capable than most students in this class. (This is where the new approach starts) Why even stop in this class. I might even take this new outlook to every other class as well. So,good luck to myself tomorrow even though I know ill do fine.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

fall vocab 3

  • Coherent -of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.During an imroptu   speaking challenge I was too nervous to develop a coherent speech.
  • Belabor -argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail. Dont belabor the situation. 
  • Eschew - deliberatly avoid using. I Eschew bringing up topics to my mom that might get me im trouble. 
  • Acquisitive - excessively interested in acquiring money or material things. kim kardashian is acquisitive.
  • Emulate -match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. I really hope not to Emulate other classmates work habits in this class
  • Banal -so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. I try to change up my makeup and style so I dont seem banal.
  • Excoriating- harsh critiscm. I tend to excoriate people when I first meet them.
  • Congeal 
    solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling. The blood has congealed.
  • Carping - difficult to please,  critical. Some teachers have a carping attitude
  • Substantiate.
    provide evidence to support or prove the truth of. ive provided evidence to Substantiate my argument 
  • Temporize -avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time.
  • largesse -generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
  • Tenableable -to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
  • Insatiable -(of an appetites or desire) i
  • reconnaissance -military observation of a region to locate
  • germane - relevant to a subject
  • Ramify - branch out
  • Intransigent '- form unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something. or offshoots
  • Taciturn -(of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

                                                                    Fall vocab list 2

  •  Intercede - intervene on behalf of another.
  • Hackneyed - (a phrase or idea) lacking signifigance through having been over used.
  • Approbation - approval or praise
  • Innuendo - an allusion or oblique remark or hint
  • Coalition - an alliance for combined action
  • Elicit - evoke or draw (a response,  answer,  or fact) from someone in reaction to ones own actions or questions
  • hiatus - a pause or gap in a sequence, series or process
  • Assuage- make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.
  • Decadence - moral or cultral decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
  • Expostulate - express strong dissaproval or dissagreement
  • Simulate - imitate the chatacter of
  • Jaded - tired bored or lacking enthusiasm typically after having had too much of something
  • Umbrage -offense or annoyance.
  • Prerogatovea right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.
  • Lurid -very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect.
  • Transcend - be or go beyond the range of limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division)
  • Provincial - of or concerning a province of q county or empire. 
  • Petulant - (of a person or their manner) childishly Sulky ir bad-tempered
  • Uncutousof a person) excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily.
  • meritorious detecting

Thursday, August 14, 2014

  Upon entering this class I had no Idea what to expect. I hadn't actually heard of "open resource learning". I really hope to understand this method of learning as I continue through out the year. I'm not really sure I like it yet so I hope to come to terms with it eventually.
  I'm really excited to have the opportunity to write about seemingly interesting topics but I'm nervous about the thought of having to share my thoughts with anyone.
  My goal is to excel in this class and hopefully get an A!
I think anybody who reads the poem Richard Corey will have a different reaction.